Showing posts with label SEO Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Tips. Show all posts

Download Ninja Pinner Full Free

Download Ninja Pinner Full Free
Download Ninja Pinner Full Free

Get The NinjaPinner robot handles all of the grunt work for you and SAVES you time! The proprietary software includes the following features: Target your market based specific keyword. Gather friend(s) id’s from comment threads, pin-boards, people or any other search area of Pinterest Filter Pinterest users by follower / following count as well as by recent login activity Auto Follow feature that allows you to mass follow other users fast, gaining you thousands of followers back Auto Unfollow function that allows you to mass unfollow users that don’t follow you Choose to exclude people you’ve followed ___ days ago so you can give Pinterest users time to respond before unfollowing them Schedule your follows, unfollows, likes, repins, comments and invites to automatically be sent at a specified time and at specified intervals. Auto Pin feature that allows you to mass re-pin other images on autopilot getting you exposure
Demo & source
Download Ninja Pinner Full Free

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Free Download Social Auto Poster 2.0.0 Software

Free Download Social Auto Poster 2.0.0 Software
Free Download Social Auto Poster 2.0.0 Software 

 Get Social Auto Poster 2.0.0 Free. The software allows you to configure auto posting to your desired social media platform. gives user option to choose category of the post, can post comments to all of your Facebook linked accounts, schedule your posts to configure social media platforms.

Download Social Auto Poster 2.0.0 Software Free

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Free Download SENuke XCr Seo Software

Free Download SENuke XCr Seo Software
Get “SENuke XCr is the most powerful SEO automation software ever. All you have to do is customize your strategy and let it run on its own. It allows your website to compete with the most highly ranked websites, even websites that have been running for years collecting countless backlinks. All it requires you to do is customize a few settings and click “finish” and SENuke XCr automates your website promotion campaign for you! Then you can get on with your day and the software will break a leg building links for your site…”

Demo & source
Download SENuke XCr Seo Software Free!Jw92xDBR!F0enX0mON-VOWjMulQ903YAfKMFc_VD7JN8hOf5u7-4

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how to add popup window in blogger

 how to add popup window in blogger
Popup window is an extra window it's open in load on page or click on mouse and many other type now we will learn how to add click on mouse open popup window in blogger.

Pop up window is very use full for any important page show to viewers .

Click below Images for help with Screen short

Just follow below steps for add a popup window in your blogger 
1.Log in to your Blogger account

2.     Go to Design > Page Elements

3.    Click Add a Gadget.

4.     Select HTML/JavaScript widget

5.     Copy the below code and past it in HTML/java script box.

Note 1. - your web address' Replace this with your Web url (web address) Note 2.- width=650, height=650 You can customize Window size. 6. Now save your Template your popup window is ready
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SEO Power Suite V.4.13.12

SEO Power Suite V.4.13.12
SEO Power Suite V.4.13.12

SEO PowerSuite is the sole one-stop software solution for your whole website optimization campaign. Made up of 4 powerful tools, each dealing with its specific SEO tasks, this most complete set of SEO software covers all basic and adjoin jobs you may ever have to deal with, while pushing your website to search engines’ tops.
1. download this file
2. disconnect your internet
3. extract file SEO PowerSuite v4.13.12.rar
4. run ranktracker.exe and select all components to install
5. after instal – copy folder “SEO PowerSuite” to “C:Program Files” – OVERWRITE ALL
6. connet
7. run program

Demo & Download: m/
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Tips For A Better SEO-Friendly Image

Tips For A Better SEO-Friendly Image
When it comes to SEO, webmasters and bloggers have a tendency to undermine the importance of image optimization, perhaps even way too much that they completely forget about it – intentionally.

Some would even say that optimizing images isn’t that much worth all the trouble because it doesn’t really give that much in return. But then if you really value SEO, wouldn’t you do everything you can to help your site generate more traffic?

Now if you said ‘yes’ to the above question then you should have no problem following these simple but very helpful tips on how to make your content images SEO friendly.

Alt tags – This is basically the very first thing that should pop in to your mind when it comes to optimizing images for SEO. Search engines (or search engine spiders) are virtually blind; all the efforts you put into making all those gorgeous images on your site are all for naught if they don’t have any alt tags. Search engines pretty much ignore images without alt tags.

Image filename/title – Name your images with relevant keywords and separate them with dashes rather than underscores. First letter capitalization won’t matter.

Image filessize – We’re talking about both in terms of the dimension and the byte size (kb/Mb). An image that can slow down your site’s  loading speed can have a negative impact on your SEO, so make sure you make all the necessary adjustments to your images in both aspects. There’s no specific size that you need to follow but as a general rule, you will want to keep it to a minimum, so as not to decrease your page’s load time.

NOTE: On alt tags and filenames, don’t overdo it! Don’t cram in too many keywords in them. For filename/title, probably best limit it to five words only.

Also, if you got lots of images that need alt tags, don’t fret. There are plugins that you can use to automatically do all the work of putting alt tags on your images for you.
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How to use blogger new Crawlers and indexing feature effectively for improved SEO

 How to use blogger new Crawlers and indexing feature effectively for improved SEO
Guest Post - Today's host is Chris who provides indept information on using the new search preferences settings on Blogger.Want to get involved ? See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.

After blogger updated their interface, they added more useful features such as edit Meta tag modify crawlers and indexing, add authors, etc. This post I'm going to show you how to use blogger new crawlers and indexing feature effectively for improve your blogs SEO.
Before start this guide, I like to briefly explain what robots.txt is. A robots.txt use for provide instructions to different search engine bots to, how to crawl your site contents, etc as well as provide a sitemap. For instance you can remove certain items on search result using this function as well as improve your site SEO.

Important - If you are unsure of any of the steps do not make any edits.

How to create a custom robots.txt on blogger

1) Log-in to your blogger account.
2) Go to your blog.
3) Now go to "Settings>Search Preferences"
4) Under the "Crawlers and indexing" you can find "Custom robots.txt"
5) Click "Edit" link.
Now you can add different Crawler to instructions. This post I added different useful crawl robots.txt codes. First we identify how this code works.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Above code,

User-agent: - Mention crawler name. For instance, Google bot.
Disallow: - Specify which pages should not crawl.
Allow: - Which pages crawl.
/ (slash):- indicate your home page.

Setup instructions for all robots

If you use above code, it will cause duplicate content issues and your site rank will be reduced. So that, you can use the following code. It will allow index and crawl entire blog but, not allow label and search pages.

User-agent: *
Allow: /

Block label and search pages crawling.

If you use above code, it will cause duplicate content issues and your site rank will be reduced. So that, you can use the following code. It will allow entire blog but, not allow crawl label and search pages.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Block certain page (s).

Some reasons, you many need to hide your selected page or pages from the search engines. At that time you can use the following code.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /p/page-one.html
Allow: /

If you need to block more-than one page add their URL one by one on Disallow section like below.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /p/page-one.html
Disallow: /p/page-two.html
Allow: /

Allow all but block specific crawler.

If you want to block single crawler, you can add the following code.

User-agent: <bot name>
Disallow: /

User-agent: Googlebot-News

Setup AdSense crawler instruction.

To improve your Google AdSense performances; you can specify how AdSense bot crawl your site. Actually there is no need to block anything.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

Block Images indexing.

If you don't like to see your blog post’s images on the Google search result, you can remove them by using the following code.

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /

If you need to block any-other bot crawl your site, use following code. However you need to add selected bot name in “User-agent:” section.

User-agent: <required crawler name>

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

You can find more crawlers and their user agent information in here and in here.

Adding site map.

Apart from above crawl instructions, you can add a sitemap. Normally blogger default sitemap provides 26 posts. So that you can add correct sitemap using "Custom robots.txt". This is an example of how to add a sitemap.



Final result demo.

If you need to improve your blog's search engine visibility and crawl entire blog other than labels and search pages using the following code as your robots.txt.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Sitemap: <your blog site map past here>
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